Entries by Ally Micklem

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Sustainable parents action at European Schools – a new brag board!

We believe our European Schools can be real leaders in Sustainability and Climate Education in every city we connect with – and this is our contribution to that effort! See all the hard work our European Schools communities are doing on sustainability: https://padlet.com/alisonmicklem/let-s-take-action-brag-board-for-parents-at-the-european-sch-wsevvqqy5j51t6i5 Only posts already published on School or affiliated EU websites are shared. […]


World Water Day, March 22nd Clean Water for Everyone!

Students from Materna, Primary and Secondary are coming together on March 22nd to raise awareness of the damage micro-plastics are doing to our global water and food systems. This Tuesday the whole school community should bring refillable water bottles to their lunch at the Mensa. Our school is deeply committed to action on sustainability, and […]

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Webinar: Specific Learning Differences and Neurodiversity

[per l’italiano vedi sotto] Don’t miss our expert presentation focused on children in Secondary on Wednesday, 1st December, from 8:30pm-10:00pm given by the Wolpe Institute!  Sign up in Classlist, or join the meeting directly here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89143704568?pwd=Zk9lc0VZUHpjdUdYWS80ZkNlSE95dz09 WeCare in collaboration with Wolpe Institute has organised a series of FREE awareness-raising webinars on specific learning disorders, addressed […]

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How would you improve the school?

[per l’italiano vedi sotto] Calling all AGSEV parents! The school and the Parents Association have come together to commit to funding a small change for the better in the run up to COP26. We would like to hear YOUR ideas for a small, concrete proposal which would make our childrens’ lives just a little bit […]


It’s World Dyslexia Week

[per l’italiano vedi sotto] Did you know that around 1 in 5 people are Dyslexic? This is according to extensive scientific research carried out across Europe – and yet dyslexia often remains invisible. It’s World Dyslexia Week 4th-10th October (as well as Italian Dyslexia Week and European Dyslexia Week), and this year, the British Dyslexia […]