Entries by Agsev Editiorial Staff

New Inscription Form

Please for the news school Year 2018/2019 , We have a new application form. don’t forget to download the 2 pages, and to sign all the page 2 🙂 Thanks Modulo 2018/2019 – Page 1 Modulo 18/19 Page 2

Gazzetta Summer Camp

la proposta di collaborazione con 10% di sconto per la partecipazione degli alunni della Scuola Europea di Varese. Tutte le nostre proposte sono visibili sul sito: www.gazzettasummercamp.it . Il nostro catalogo è scaricabile al seguente link: http://www.gazzettasummercamp.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/GSC-CATALOGO-2018.pdf . Qualora desiderasse ricevere copie cartacee, non esiti a richiedercele e provvederemo alla spedizione. Per avere un’idea dei Gazzetta Summer Camp in montagna, […]


Music in the Secondary School

Music in the Secondary School By Tomáš Škraban Besides the compulsory timetabled music lessons in the secondary school there are also other music activities for all the students who are passionate for music: choir singing, orchestra, big band and string quartet. Choir meets once a week (Mondays) during lunchtime breaks in Aula Elgar. When working […]


ALICANTE MUSIC EXCHANGE TRIP In the spring-time our music department organized an exchange music trip to Alicante, Spain. Most of the participants were the members of the instrumental groups (orchestra, big band). First we hosted the Alicante students who spent their week in the families of our students here in Varese. The week full of […]

Music in the Primary School

Music in the Primary School By Jill Bloomfield Boo-di.. Doo-bi..La-la.. (It) Benvenuti tutti quanti Benvenuti ai nostri canti Benvenuti tutti insieme qui da noi Benvenuti à tutti, à tutti voi La-la… Music begins on the first day of term in the primary school when the new first year students are welcomed by the fifth years […]