Entries by Nora


Grazie, Daniela!

[scroll down for English] Il 30 settembre è ufficialmente finita un’epoca storica molto importante. Dopo 36 anni di gestione ed organizzazione del servizio di trasporto della nostra scuola, Daniela Contini ha avuto il suo ultimo giorno di servizio per ritirarsi, più che meritatamente, alla pensione. Come rappresentanti dei genitori, AGSEV, porgiamo un profondo ringraziamento a […]

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AGSEV elections 2021

[Per l’italiano vedi sotto] AGSEV (Associazione Genitori della Scuola Europea Varese) is looking for motivated and fresh-minded candidates to join the board in fall 2021. Many have heard of the AGSEV as organizers of after school activities and music classes, but did you know that AGSEV representatives take part in the school boards at all […]


The 2021-2022 school calendar is available now (yes, already!)

[Per l’italiano vedi sotto] The 2021-2022 school calendar is available now! Created by the parents association every summer with the help of talented European School student artists, every year the calendar is a regular fixture on refrigerators, kitchens, and children’s bedroom walls across the province of Varese. The calendar informs you of all school holidays […]

See the children’s artwork gallery for the 2021-2022 calendar

To our great delight we received over 50 responses to our call for children’s artwork for the AGSEV 2021-2022 Calendar. As announced, the theme is What Cheers Me Up, and it’s our pleasure to present these unique and imaginative artworks to you! As you can see in the gallery below, the calendar will be full […]

Cerchiamo disegni/opere per il calendario scolastico 2021/2022

[Scroll down for English] Molti di voi conoscono da tempo il calendario scolastico dell’Associazione dei Genitori (AGSEV). Ogni anno è decorato con coloratissime creazioni artistiche dei nostri studenti. Come ogni anno AGSEV vi chiede la partecipazione al calendario per l’anno scolastico 2021-2022. Questa volta non vediamo l’ora di vedere le opere d’arte sul tema: COSA […]


The 2020-2021 school calendar is now available

[Per l’italiano vedi sotto] The 2020-2021 school calendar is available now! Created by the parents association every summer with the help of talented European School student artists, every year the calendar is a regular fixture on refrigerators, kitchens, and children’s bedroom walls across the province of Varese. The calendar informs you of all school holidays […]