AGSEV will not run Class Photos for 24/25 – how can we support class reps.
AGSEVClass Photos we have to inform you that AGSEV WILL NOT BE running this activity in 24/25.
We have delivered almost 3000 photos in the past 18 months!
We know what a joyful memento this is for the present and for the future. Particularly…
AGSEV Elections 2022
Elezioni Consiglio Direttivo, Eventi, NewsEnglish version below
Care Famiglie,
I consiglieri AGSEV sono eletti dei propri membri con durata di 2 anni ed ogni anno ci sono le elezioni per la definizione delle nuove cariche.
Di solito si parla dell’AGSEV per le attività parascolastiche…
How to purchase the school calendar 2022-2023
You may still buy a copy of the AGSEV school calendar, by
- Asking your child to pass at the secretaries of the Primary and Secondary school. Mrs Cernuschi and Mrs Amic have copies to sell.
- Passing…
Preorder your calendar for the school year 2022-2023
We are happy to announce that the 2022-2023 school calendar can be pre-ordered now!
How to:
1) make a bank transfer (10 EUR per calendar) indicating: "calendario 22 23 name class" to:
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Ispra,
WORLD BOOK DAY 2022 on Friday the 8th of April
News[Per l'italiano vedi sotto]
World book day is a wonderful opportunity to remind children how much fun books and reading can be, and lots of children love to dressing up as their favourite book character at school. In addition all classes…
Classlist for AGSEV
NewsClasslist - Our Online, Whole School Community Tool!
The English section recently trialled Classlist and now we want you to join too. Classlist is an online platform designed by two mumpreneuers from the UK. It enables parents…
World Water Day, March 22nd Clean Water for Everyone!
News, SustainabilityStudents from Materna, Primary and Secondary are coming together on March 22nd to raise awareness of the damage micro-plastics are doing to our global water and food systems.
This Tuesday the whole school community should bring refillable…
Webinar: How to be an ally and support an LGBTIQ+ teenager
AGSEV, Eventi a Scuola, News[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] Save the date: On Tuesday 7th December at 13:00 all parents from the European Schools are invited to join an event on the importance of diversity, inclusion and of building a safe environment for teenagers to be their…
Smiles and sales at the second-hand ski market
AGSEV, News, Scuola Sci AGSEV, Sustainability[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] On 20 November parents gathered to buy and sell ski equipment and winter gear for the upcoming ski season. The second-hand ski market was held in the well-ventilated open area of the Da Vinci building, under the canteen…
Webinar: Specific Learning Differences and Neurodiversity
AGSEV, Eventi a Scuola, News[per l'italiano vedi sotto] Don’t miss our expert presentation focused on children in Secondary on Wednesday, 1st December, from 8:30pm-10:00pm given by the Wolpe Institute! Sign up in Classlist, or join the meeting directly here:
Ski Season 2022 – Second Hand Ski Market 20th November / Mercatino Usato Sci 20 Novembre
AGSEV, News, Scuola Sci AGSEV, SustainabilityDear Families,
The period in which we are living does not give us great certainty, but we are maintaining our usual optimism and trying to ensure that the organisation is ready and operational.
We are in contact with the directors of the…