AGSEV will not run Class Photos for 24/25 – how can we support class reps.
AGSEVClass Photos we have to inform you that AGSEV WILL NOT BE running this activity in 24/25.
We have delivered almost 3000 photos in the past 18 months!
We know what a joyful memento this is for the present and for the future. Particularly…

Mobile devices in class for 2020-2021
AGSEV, News[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] Central office guidelines have been updated to replace calculators with more effective tools. This guideline was already in place for S4 from last year and will be broadened to apply to all secondary levels this year.

Reducing Single-Use Plastic on School Trips for Primary & Nursery
AGSEV, News, Sustainability[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] In an effort to become a truly Green School this year, there’s a new procedure to help us reduce the use of single-use plastic on school trips.
Why the change in procedure?
Students normally receive a ½ litre…

Green School working group kickoff meeting
AGSEV, News, Sustainability[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] Everybody knows we need to take action to reduce our carbon footprint. But what are we actually doing about it? One major step for the European School of Varese is our new commitment to the Green School Project for…

Swals Discussion – Update
AGSEV, NewsDear SWALS parents,
AGSEV would like to update you on our discussions with the school's direction about the vertical grouping of L1 for SWALS pupils in Primary which is likely to take effect as of the next school year, starting…

Elezioni dei consiglieri per il 2019-2020
AGSEV, Elezioni Consiglio Direttivo, NewsElezioni dei consiglieri per il 2019-2020
Per il rinnovo del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione dei Genitori dovranno essere nominati 6
consiglieri. La tabella che segue indica la situazione attuale ed i posti vacanti.

Late Arriving Secondary School teachers
AGSEV, NewsLate Arriving Secondary School teachers
There is an ongoing problem with the late arrival of seconded teachers in the Italian section, due to time delays in decision making. The AGSEV president, Osvaldo Mattana, has written a strongly worded…

60 Years of the European School!
AGSEV, Eventi a Scuola, News
As you are probably aware, the school is gearing up to celebrate 60 years in Varese. Representing the parents, members of AGSEV attended a recent meeting with school staff, teachers and members of the JRC to pool ideas for how to contribute.…

What are AGSEV doing to help sustainability across the school?
AGSEV, NewsWhat are AGSEV doing to help sustainability across the school?
There are many green initiatives going on around the school – from individual parents campaigning against single-use plastic, to secondary school students raising money towards…

Safety First! Where are we with safety campaigning?
AGSEV, NewsSafety First! Where are we with safety campaigning?
AGSEV have been committed over the years to attaining high standards of safety for our school by campaigning on and contributing to the realization of necessary changes. Change…

La biblioteca sarà aperta durante l’openday del 23 di Novembre.
Attività Parascolastiche, Eventi a Scuola, NewsHow are parents supporting the Primary School?
There are many ways parents are helping support and improve our children’s lives in Primary. From the parents who volunteer to represent their classes - collecting money, organizing…