AGSEV will not run Class Photos for 24/25 – how can we support class reps.

Class Photos we have to inform you that AGSEV WILL NOT BE running this activity in 24/25. We have delivered almost 3000 photos in the past 18 months! We know what a joyful memento this is for the present and for the future. Particularly…

BAC ai tempi del Coronavirus

[Scroll down for English] L'Associazione dei Genitori è sempre presente ed attiva a sostegno delle famiglie. In occasione del BAC ad esempio, le attività relative a questo evento così importante, sono ogni anno in parte sovvenzionate dall'Agsev,…

“Distance” P5 graduates at school

[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] After 5 years of Primary school at the European school students normally celebrate the end of this period in a big graduation ceremony with family friends and lots of emotion. Naturally, this year everything was different.…

Easier school materials ordering for the Francophone section

[Per l'italiano, vedi sotto] Every year, parents in the Francophone section struggle to find the right notebooks for class. Every teacher has their own strict preferences, which may also depend on whether they come from France, Belgium or elsewhere.…

Mobile devices in class for 2020-2021

[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] Central office guidelines have been updated to replace calculators with more effective tools. This guideline was already in place for S4 from last year and will be broadened to apply to all secondary levels this year. For…

Interparents Communication to the school governors 02/03/2020

Brussels, 1st March 2020. Dear Mr Marcheggiano, dear School Directors, The parent community would like to thank OSGES and the individual school directors for their collaboration over the past week as we all look to understand the impact…

Coronavirus Update 28/02/20

Care Famiglie, come sapete, stiamo vivendo una  situazione delicata, siamo l’unica Scuola Europea, al momento, che rischia la chiusura, e questo sulla base delle indicazioni della autorità locali. Siamo in costante contatto con…

Reducing Single-Use Plastic on School Trips for Primary & Nursery

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[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] In an effort to become a truly Green School this year, there’s a new procedure to help us reduce the use of single-use plastic on school trips. Why the change in procedure? Students normally receive a ½ litre…

Green School working group kickoff meeting

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[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] Everybody knows we need to take action to reduce our carbon footprint. But what are we actually doing about it? One major step for the European School of Varese is our new commitment to the Green School Project for…

Swals Discussion – Update

Dear SWALS parents,   AGSEV would like to update you on our discussions with the school's direction about the vertical grouping of L1 for SWALS pupils in Primary which is likely to take effect as of the next school year, starting…

Verbale dell’Assemblea generale ordinaria dei soci del 27. 11. 2018

ASSOCIAZIONE dei GENITORI della SCUOLA EUROPEA di VARESE - CONSIGLIO DIRETTIVO -     Da approvare alla prossima assemblea generale Sala riunioni della Villa SEV   ORDINE DEL GIORNO Elezione Presidente dell’Assemblea…