AGSEV will not run Class Photos for 24/25 – how can we support class reps.

Class Photos we have to inform you that AGSEV WILL NOT BE running this activity in 24/25. We have delivered almost 3000 photos in the past 18 months! We know what a joyful memento this is for the present and for the future. Particularly…

Verbale dell’Assemblea generale ordinaria dei soci del 27. 11. 2018

ASSOCIAZIONE dei GENITORI della SCUOLA EUROPEA di VARESE - CONSIGLIO DIRETTIVO -     Da approvare alla prossima assemblea generale Sala riunioni della Villa SEV   ORDINE DEL GIORNO Elezione Presidente dell’Assemblea…

OPEN DAY – 23 nov 2019 – 10:00 – 13:00

Open Day On November 23rd the Scuola Europea di Varese will open its doors. The parents association (AGSEV) will be present to help interested future and current parents in any possible way. The offices of the transportation service, the…

Elezioni dei consiglieri per il 2019-2020

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Elezioni dei consiglieri per il 2019-2020 Per il rinnovo del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione dei Genitori dovranno essere nominati 6 consiglieri. La tabella che segue indica la situazione attuale ed i posti vacanti.   (*)…

Late Arriving Secondary School teachers

Late Arriving Secondary School teachers There is an ongoing problem with the late arrival of seconded teachers in the Italian section, due to time delays in decision making. The AGSEV president, Osvaldo Mattana, has written a strongly worded…

60 Years of the European School!

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  As you are probably aware, the school is gearing up to celebrate 60 years in Varese. Representing the parents, members of AGSEV attended a recent meeting with school staff, teachers and members of the JRC to pool ideas for how to contribute.…

What are AGSEV doing to help sustainability across the school?

What are AGSEV doing to help sustainability across the school? There are many green initiatives going on around the school – from individual parents campaigning against single-use plastic, to secondary school students raising money towards…

Safety First! Where are we with safety campaigning?

Safety First! Where are we with safety campaigning?   AGSEV have been committed over the years to attaining high standards of safety for our school by campaigning on and contributing to the realization of necessary changes. Change…

La biblioteca sarà aperta durante l’openday del 23 di Novembre.

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How are parents supporting the Primary School?   There are many ways parents are helping support and improve our children’s lives in Primary. From the parents who volunteer to represent their classes - collecting money, organizing…

AGSEV Board Elections: Deadline for Candidates

AGSEV Board Elections: Deadline for Candidates Candidates must register by 28th October, 2019 at 11:00   Elections for the AGSEV Board are coming in November, 2019. And the deadline for candidates is 28th October, 2019 at 11:00.…