AGSEV will not run Class Photos for 24/25 – how can we support class reps.

Class Photos we have to inform you that AGSEV WILL NOT BE running this activity in 24/25. We have delivered almost 3000 photos in the past 18 months! We know what a joyful memento this is for the present and for the future. Particularly…

Ski season 2023

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English version below Care famiglie, riprendiamo con il consueto entusiasmo l’organizzazione delle attività sci. Il periodo economico e sociale non ci è d’aiuto ma abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio per poter offrire un pacchetto…

Corsi Club Europeo Ispra

(per l'italiano vedi sotto) We would like to inform you that AGSEV has relaunched its cooperation with Club Europeo Ispra after a long break due to the pandemic, allowing all students of the European School to avail of additional course offers. For…

Smiles and sales at the second-hand ski market

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[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] On 20 November parents gathered to buy and sell ski equipment and winter gear for the upcoming ski season. The second-hand ski market was held in the well-ventilated open area of the Da Vinci building, under the canteen…

Ski Season 2022 – Second Hand Ski Market 20th November / Mercatino Usato Sci 20 Novembre

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Dear Families, The period in which we are living does not give us great certainty, but we are maintaining our usual optimism and trying to ensure that the organisation is ready and operational. We are in contact with the directors of the…

Scuola Sci AGSEV: Speriamo il meglio

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[Scroll down for English] In questo momento delicato e di incertezza ci teniamo ad informarvi che stiamo lavorando per valutare la possibilità di pianificare i nostri corsi. Siamo in contatto con i direttori delle Scuole SCI di Pila, per…