EURSCVA student team at EUROSPORT 13/3-16/3 2024. Let the games begin!!!

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EUROPEAN SCHOOL VARESE at EUROSPORT Team 2024 the games begin!!!


Read about Days 3 & 4

Sporting event happening between 13th – 16th March. The Varese team 15 girls and 15 boys who succeeded in being selected after many months of regular training, several times a week after school. Thanks also to all those students who did not go but helped throughout the training. Our students are all coming from various language sections, ranging from S4 to S7 levels.

All this in their spare time so a special thx to S7 students who dedicated so much of their free time (lunch, afterschool and weekends) in their final BAC year, with no academic credit.
Another special thanks to the 4 teachers Pollicini, Ribeiro, Vansteenkiste and Grolla for putting a massive personal effort in organising all this.

Well done to LUXII for the organisation and a big kudos to all the support from APEEL2 the parents association that have found hosting families for about 500 student athletes.


What is Eurosport?

Eurosport is a sports tournament between the European Schools organised every 2 years.

This important event, which is an integral part of the European Schools’ activities, promotes social and sporting interaction among the schools. The last 3 editions of the event have been won in a row by the European Schools of Luxembourg: Lux2 in 2017 (Brussels, BE), Lux1 in 2019 (Varese, IT) and Lux1 again in 2022 (Mol, BE).


Which sports will be played?

Volleyball (6 players vs 6, 1 Set to 25, 1 tournament for boys 1 for girls, 6 games),

Football (5 players vs 5, 2×10 minute halves, 1 tournament for boys 1 for girls, 6 games)

Badminton (double girls, double boys and double mixed)

Aquathlon (600m run, 75m swim, 400m run, mixed relay team of 20)

Which are the participating schools?

For this event there will be 18 European Schools in total with 30 players each, so we expect 540 pupils taking part in the different sports events, accompanied by 55 teachers. Out of approximately 40,000 student population.

In addition to the 13 European Schools (Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Munich, Brussels 1, Brussels 2, Brussels 3, Brussels 4, Mol, Alicante, Varese, Luxembourg 1, Luxembourg 2, Bergen), 5 accredited schools are also participating (RheinMain, Strasbourg, Parma, AES Luxembourg and Den Haag.


Eurosport LUXII 2024 Event Schedule

Let the Games Begin!!!

Events of Day 1 – Travel & Opening Ceremony

Meeting @4.30 am at school, departure by bus @5.00am. 711km and arrival at LuxII around 16.00.

Opening Ceremony @17.30 turning on of the Eurosport flame with school management and local authorities.

Pictures from


Events of Day 2

8.30 am meeting at the LUXII school for all the athletes who make their way from the hosting families.

Events planned for the day Boys Volleyball and Girls 5 a side football. Tournaments with around robin then knockout playing each game for the higher ranking finals.

Girls football, the Varese team after a strong effort and a 4 Wins 2 Losses record eventually win the 7th-8th place final.

Boys volleyball, they start off with what was supposed to be among the strongest sides and win confidently. Each of the following 4 opponents again resulted in all Ws. The final against Brussels1 school starts off with a 6-0. The Belgiums fight back and eventually is 18-22. But with a last gasp effort Varese comeback and the winning point is scored by 25-23. 6 Wins – 0 Losses!
Winners and 1st Place!!!


Overall end of day 1 Varese are ranking top 3.

Read about Days 3 & 4