Subscription & Contact

Annual PA Membership €30

∗ Vi ricordiamo che per poter usufruire delle attività e dei servizi organizzati dall’Associazione è necessario essere regolarmente iscritti per l’anno scolastico in corso ∗

∗ Please note that in order to benefit from the activities and services organised by the Association, it is necessary to be regularly registered for the current school year ∗

Give back. Join a community of parents who care about the school and its students, and work to improve the school and overall experience for its students.

Meet new people. Volunteer and network with parents from outside your child’s class.

Hear it first. Stay informed about events and important announcements happening in the community and at the school.

Be heard. Members have several opportunities to have their concerns heard. The Parents’ Association attends Interparents meetings, meets regularly with the school administration, and holds PEC and SEC meetings inviting all parents to voice concerns. Members also vote to elect their representatives on the Parents’ Association Board.

Join an activity. Participate in extracurricular activities at a low cost after school, year round.

Receive discounts. Members get special pricing on event admissions, t-shirts, and other items.

L’ufficio (primo piano, edificio 1) è aperto il giovedì dalle 9:30 alle 12:30, ed è chiuso durante le ferie scolastiche e le giornate festive della Scuola.

The office (first floor, building 1) is open on Thursdays from 9:30 until 12:30, and closed during school holidays and public holidays of the school.

Associazione dei Genitori della Scuola Europea di Varese (AGSEV)

TP 014, JRC Ispra

Via Enrico Fermi, 2749

Ispra – I-21027 (VA)