La biblioteca sarà aperta durante l’openday del 23 di Novembre.

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How are parents supporting the Primary School?


There are many ways parents are helping support and improve our children’s lives in Primary. From the parents who volunteer to represent their classes – collecting money, organizing events and showing up at school to help out – to those who directly offer their expertise in sustainability, architecture, or project management, to give just a few examples. Then there are some roles in the school that require more preparation and paperwork and these are generally organized by AGSEV, with volunteer parent support. We’d like to highlight some of these roles in some of the next few newsletters – this issue we are focusing on:


the Primary School library


The Primary School library is a perfect example of a close collaboration between voluntary parents and the European school itself.


To enable children to get the most out of the collection, the books are organized into five sections: English, Italian, German, French and Dutch.with two volunteer parents from each section available to help out.


Under the guidance of the school’s official librarian Michela Marinello, AGSEV volunteers help to manage all the technical and organizational aspects of the library, including inventory making and cataloging, lending the books to the pupils and organizing book-related activities. All volunteers are members of the parents association (AGSEV), which has to provide insurance for the volunteers (who are not covered by the schools policies) and coordinate support between volunteers and the school.


This international group of parents has grown together over the last few years and now provides a warm and welcoming place for all kindergarten and primary school pupils – where children’s books can be explored and the joy of reading can be awakened.


The library will be open during the Open Day of November 23rd. Come on in and explore!



La Biblioteca nella Scuola Primaria é un esempio calzante di stretta collaborazione fra scuola e genitori volontari. La raccolta dei libri è suddivisa per le 5 sezioni linguistiche: Inglese, Italina, Tedesca, francese ed Olandese. Per ogni sezione ci sono 2 genitori volontari che danno supporto alla bibliotecaria, Michela Marinello aiutandola nella gestione, tecnica ed organizzativa della biblioteca: es. inventario e catalogo, distribuzione libri ai bambini ed organizzando attività legate al mondo dei libri. Tutti i volontari sono membri dell’Associazione dei Genitori(AGSEV) che fornisce l’assicurazione per l’attività e coordina il supporto fra la scuola ed i volontari.


Questo gruppo internazionale di genitori è cresciuto nel corso degli ultimi anni e fa si che ci sia un ambiente caloroso di benvenuto per i bambini della materna e del ciclo primario, dove i libri possono essere conosciuti e far coltivare la voglia di leggere.


La biblioteca sarà aperta durante l’openday del 23 di Novembre.


Venite a trovarci!


What are you waiting for?

We really need to increase the number of AGSEV members across the school if we are going to be able to represent you all. Membership is usually part of the ‘package’ when you join a European school, but here in Italy we have to ask for your support separately. We are your organization – together we are stronger and can organize more support for the parent community. Click here to join!