Link utili

  • Scuola Europea

    The European School of Varese website with information on how to enroll your children, the curriculum and services, and video tours of the grounds.

    Il sito web della Scuola Europea di Varese con informazioni su come iscrivere i vostri figli, il curriculum, i servizi e video tour della struttura.

  • Cooperativa Mensa

    The school canteen is a cooperative that operates independently from the school. You can enroll your child here (see ‘Forms’ tab) & check the weekly menus.

    La mensa scolastica è una cooperativa che opera indipendentemente dalla scuola. Puoi iscrivere tuo figlio qui (vedi scheda ‘Moduli’) e controllare i menu settimanali.

  • Servizio trasporti

    The school bus service operates as an independent business from the school, governed in part by the Parents Association. You can find information on how to enroll your child here.

    Il servizio di scuolabus opera come un’attività indipendente dalla scuola, governata in parte dall’Associazione dei genitori. Potete trovare informazioni su come iscrivere vostro figlio qui.

  • Pupils’ Well-Being Policy Framework of the European Schools

    Academic development cannot be seen as separate to the development of the person. This document aims at providing guidelines to European Schools on how to manage common challenging situations that may lead to having an adverse effect on a pupil’s sense of well-being.

  • Information for Parents on Determination of the Dominant Language

    Following the mandate given to the working group Task Force Dominant Language in the
    meeting of the Board of Inspectors N/P in February 2024 a document for parents has been
    created to help the parents asking for admission of their children the European Schools to
    better understand the need, purpose, organisation of assessment and consequences of the
    final admission of a child to certain language section.

    See the document here.

  • Club Europeo

    Social Club meeting at Ispra, for members of the JRC and European Schools. Organises cultural and recreational events, courses and classes. Cost E.35 per year.

  • Go for it

    Social club with an excellent guide for people moving to Italy for the first time, with lots of information specific to this area. Written in 2015.

  • Benvenuto International Varese

    International Women’s Club which meets every month for coffee, but also runs extensive activities including hiking, museum tours and special interest groups.

  • Varese per Bambini

    Website with full details of all weekly activities for children in and around the area. Also, information for families on sports, health, schools, tourism and how to organize a party.

    Sito web con tutti i dettagli di tutte le attività settimanali per bambini nella zona e dintorni. Anche informazioni per le famiglie su sport, salute, scuole, turismo e come organizzare una festa.

  • Learning Differences

    Link to the British Dyslexia Association, which also provides information about Dyscalculia.

  • LGBTIQ Support

    Article with useful links to support information and organizations, written by the Parents’ Association.

    Articolo con link utili per informazioni di supporto e organizzazioni, scritto dall’Associazione dei genitori.