MEET wishes you all Happy New Year – You can now sign our European Citizens' Initiative


Dear all,


High Quality European Education for All.

A group of educationalists, parents, teachers and schools across Europe have launched a campaign to collect a million signatures calling for the creation of an Education Platform as part of a drive to improve the quality of education across the continent.

The MEET proposal is the eighth officially registered European Citizens’ Initiative.

The people behind this initiative have been inspired by the European School system. The European Schools were set up 60 years ago on the basis of Jean Monnet’s vision of a united Europe, with pupils from different cultural background being educated side by side from an early age. We have 60 years’ experience of how successful this approach has been. We should give the same educational opportunities to other European children too!

You will find here below further information about the MEET initiative.


Best wishes,


Kari Kivinen

Secretary-General of the European Schools




MEET wishes you all a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2013, which sees the launch of our EU-wide campaign to gather a million signatures for a High Quality European Education for All.

MEET, the Movement towards a European Education Trust, submitted a European Citizens Initiative using new powers under the EU’s Lisbon Treaty which give citizens the right to demand new laws directly from the European Commission – provided they can gather enough signatures.

The MEET proposal is the eighth officially registered European Citizens’ Initiative. It calls for the creation of an Education platform to stimulate debate on how to improve schools and boost the European dimension of education in line with the EU’s 2020 strategy. “Europe’s future depends on Education, how to educate citizens, how they learn. Common education goals reflecting European basic values should be at the heart of a solution to today’s challenges,” says Ana Gorey, President of MEET.

” As young Europeans are the ones who will build the Europe of tomorrow, it is essential to begin building a common European identity. I thus invite you to join me in supporting this initiative that will help strengthen this common identity which Europe needs” said Mr. Henri Malosse, President of the Employers’

Group of the European Economic and Social Committee where the ECI launch was hosted. You are also invited to
share this mail and help spread the word.


Click here to demand a say in the future of education, in and for, Europe


Click here to become a member or a pledge partner


Click here for more information on the ECI launch



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