Meeting Minutes 15th January 2025

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Present: Alison Micklem / President, Cristina Martínez / Vice-President, Pascal Blondel/ Secretary General, Lorenzo van Wijk / Treasurer, Jan Kucera, Erika Soriani, Veerle Verschoren,
Pavla Chyska

Video-call: Elena Grandis, Anne Jolivet, Daria Konitz, Petra Schaaff, Denise Sofia, Petya Varbanova, Lilly Wunsch, Tina Walliser


Wednesday, 15th January 2025

dalle ore 18:30 alle 20:00 (at the Villa ESV in Varese, meeting room 1st floor)


The Board meeting followed the agreed agenda:


0 Welcome and introduction Pres & All

18.30 – 18.40

1 Onboarding new members to AGSEV

The President A.Micklem welcomed the Board and introduced the Association to the new AGSEV Board members (ANNEX 1). All Board members are invited to choose an activity working group to participate in.


18.40 – 18.50

2 Organization of new AGSEV Board

    1. Distribution and confirmation of the positions as section representatives (language, SWAL, libero):
  • Check of the vacant positions for co-optation
    During the present Board meeting, the positions of the AGSEV Board members, elected and co-opted in December 2024, were confirmed. 

Tina Walliser volunteered and was endorsed as Vice-President (external), liaising with Interparents.

Regarding the vacant positions, the following new members who expressed interest to join, have been co-opted:

  • Magda Moner, as Section Representative for English (secondary);
  • Kateryna Rebenko, as Libero;
  • Eva Merglova, as Libero;

Additionally, the Board will ask Matteo Sgammini and Massimo Dioguardi to arrange one single candidature for co-optation to the remaining position (primary Italian).

The composition of the Board 2024-2025 is summed up in the table below.

ROLE 2024-2025
AGSEV Steering Committee
President /Pr Ally Micklem
Vice-President (Internal) /VPi Cristina Martinez
Vice-President (External) /VPe Tina Walliser
Secretariat General /SG Pascal Blondel
Treasurer /T Lorenzo van Wijk
AGSEV Section Representatives
Section DE – primary Lilly Wunsch-Jungwirth
Section DE – secondary Petra Schaaff
Section EN – primary Denise Sofia
Section EN – secondary Magda Moner
Section FR – primary Pascal Blondel (SG)
Section FR – secondary Anne Jolivet
Section IT – primary vacant
Section IT – secondary Elena Grandis
Section NL – primary Lorenzo van Wijk (T)
Section NL – secondary Erika Soriani
SWALS Daria Konitz
Pavla Chyska
Petya Varbanova
Cristina Martínez (VPi)
Jan Kucera
Liberi Ally Micklem (Pr)
Veerle Verschoren
Tina Walliser (VPe)
Kateryna Rebenko
Eva Merglova

The representative of Section IT -primary has not been decided, there were 2 candidates, they will be informed and the Board will try to find a solution with them.

  1. Roles and responsibilities for year 2024-2025:

The roles and activities for supporting the AGSEV management and functioning (see agenda point 1) were discussed and agreed as follow:

  • C.Martinez, who is already leading the Communication’ group, agreed to also lead the crucial group for IT management. P.Chyska and E.Soriani will support her.
  • T.Walliser and V.Vershoren took the events management (liaising with the School).
  • D.Sofia will develop and implement a membership strategy. 
  • J. Kucera will support C. Martinez in Communication

The Board warmly thanked all volunteers; the President and Sec.Gen. invited those who have not yet done so to select a role and engage in an activity.

The Sec.Gen. highlighted it is necessary to find volunteers for coordinating the parascholastic activities as well as the BAC committee (Interparents), as these roles are currently managed by P.Schaaff who will be leaving AGSEV at the end of the school year. 

Sec.Gen. & All

18.50 – 19.10

19.10 – 19.20

19.20 – 19.40

3 Statutory meetings with the School

  1. Debriefing of the last December’s Education Councils: parents’ points, joint communication actions with the School
  1. Participation to the next Administration Board (24/01), the School Advisory Committee and the Safety & Security Committee (27/01) meetings
Pres, Vice-Pres. & All

19.40 – 20.00

4 AOB:
Evaluation of School management: the President asked the Board members to send their eventual feedback by the end of the month (meeting on 04/02).

WSI (Whole School Inspection): see the procedures and form already sent by the President; the comments from Board members are expected by 24/01.

A.Jolivet confirmed the statistics data from arrival hours of the transport buses at the School in the morning will be sent to the COTSEV members before the next information meeting. In the meantime J. Kucera received arrival statistics on his request. J.Kucera will process the statistics and will discuss it during the next board meeting.

The following point will be discussed at the next Board meeting:

  • Legal status of AGSEV: review of AGSEV statutes and the possibility of registration under RUNTS
  • Presentation of the parascholastic activities and their planning/management (tbc)
  • Debrief of COMSEV meeting and AGSEV’s follow-up actions
  • The 2025 calendar of meetings and events in which AGSEV shall participate. 



ANNEX 1 – Welcome to the Board 2024-5