Meeting Minutes 22nd October 2024
Invited: All AGSEV Board members
Participants: João Barroso EN S / President, Petra Schaaff DE S / Vice-President, Pascal Blondel FR P / Secretary General, Lorenzo van Wijk NL P / Treasurer, Denise Sofia EN P, Erika Soriani NL S, Petya Varbanova SWALS, Alison Micklem Libero, Guido Ferrari Libero, Anna Cipriani Libero
Absent: Pavla Chyska SWALS, Eva Merglova SWALS, Lilly Wunsch DE P, Anne Jolivet FR S, Roberta Rossi IT S, Cristina Martínez SWALS, Daria Konitz SWALS
Tuesday, 22nd October 2024
dalle ore 19:00 alle 21:00 (at the Club House Ispra, sala Primule)
0 | Approval of the MoMs of last Board of 23/09
The MoMs are approved by the Board without comment. |
Sec.Gen. and All |
1 | Accounting, Fiscal & Statutory matters
M.Grandinetti has informed she will finalise the financial status of the last period for next Board meeting of November.
L.van Wijk volunteered to be the treasurer for the coming period. The Board thanked him warmfully. A.Micklem informs about a volunteer person who offered to support AGSEV on the accountancy/financial matters. The Board welcomed the proposal; Update from Working Group on accounting, fiscal and statutory matters:
On both points (ii/partita IVA) and (iii/RUNTS), the consultants from CSV recommended to wait for the beginning of next year, when the Italian authorities will have clarified the rules and calendar for an eventual implementation of IVA obligations to non-profit associations.
The needs of the Association have been better specified (see today’s email by G.Ferrari answering to P.Schaaff) in order to ask for an offer. |
Treasurer, G.Ferrari and All |
2 | Update on implementation of the communication plan
Discuss the communication plan, including the management of the WhatsApp community:
Meeting planned tomorrow morning with A.Micklem and C.Martinez. 23.10.24. Comms meeting held with Joao, Petra, Guido, Ally & Cristina attending. Updates to AGSEV presentation were discussed and implemented, and plans for creating a Comms Policy Doc for AGSEV kicked off following Cristina’s rebrand of the organisation. We agreed:
C.Martinez and All |
3 | After-school activities
Updates on organisation and starting of the 2024-2025 school year. P.Schaaff informs that all activities have started. AGSEV should monitor that the invoice payments are done for all kids. |
Vice-Pres and All |
4 | Other points; updates on
Action: A.Micklem will meet with P.Schaaff to check the positions to be filled in the Board and start setting up the election committee (3 persons).
Distributed for the secondary cycle, not yet for the nursery/primary, although we have requested it repeatedly to the School.
APPENDIX 1: Results from the survey submitted to the WhatsApp parents’ community about communication preferences APPENDIX 2: School events calendar, as given in meeting of 17/10 by the School direction NB: pagella orale is planned on Nov. 7th
All |