Meeting Minutes 23rd September 2024




Invitati: Board AGSEV


Presenti: João Barroso EN S / President, Petra Schaaff DE S / Vice-President, Pascal Blondel FR P / Secretary General, Roberta Rossi IT S, Erika Soriani NL S, Lorenzo van Wijk NL P, Daria Konitz SWALS, Petya Varbanova SWALS, Eva Merglova SWALS, Guido Ferrari Libero, Monica Grandinetti Libero, Anna Cipriani Libero, Cristina Martínez SWALS 

Assenti: Denise Sofia EN P, Lilly Wunsch DE P, Anne Jolivet FR S, Pavla Chyska SWALS, Alison Micklem Libero, 


Monday, 23rd September 2024

dalle ore 18:30 alle 21:00 (at the Club House Ispra, sala Primule) 


0 Approval of the MoMs of last Board of 10/06 

Approved by the Board; to be published on the website.


and All

1 Accounting, Fiscal & Statutory matters 

  1. a) financial report: status;

M.Grandinetti kindly proposed to close the financial report for last year. 

  1. b) Appointing the new treasurer;

A new treasurer must be appointed as soon as possible; J.Barroso and M.Grandinetti informed they can support him until the end of the year. 

Setting a working group on:

  1. c) service providers => selection to be closed by November; 
  2. d) change of Bank account = low priority; 
  3. e) Update on RUNTS = high priority (see discussion hereafter).

G.Ferrari informed that the final decision on RUNTS implementation is currently being postponed by the Italian government. The main question for the Association will concern the necessity or not to get a VAT number (‘partita IVA’ or not). For supporting the decision and the implementation, AGSEV needs first to select and hire a service provider (point c) above). 

Action (P.Blondel): First meeting to be organised asap, via a dedicated WhatsApp group (L.van Wijk, M.Grandinetti, G.Ferrari, P.Schaaff, J.Barroso, P.Blondel)

Treasurer and All
2 Communication plan 

Discuss the communication plan, set up and priorities, including the management of the WhatsApp community and eventual newsletter

C.Martinez presented the slide in attachment, regarding guidelines for communication via the WhatsApp Community 

Action (C.Martinez): to prepare and send a short poll to the Community in order to assess their preferences of communication from the AGSEV. 

G.Ferrari recalled other channels are also available: SMS, ClassList 

C.Martinez will liaise with the School to better coordinate about the information communicated (via SMS for the School)

C.Martinez and All
3 After-school activities 

Updates on organisation, insurances, etc

P.Schaaff informed an extra insurance will be taken to cover the Extra-curriculum activity groups 

An additional person is proposed by the coordinators, to accompany the pupils when needed (e.g. going to the bathroom or infirmary). The presence of this additional accompanier will allow increasing the number of pupils attending courses. The Board agreed with the proposal.


and All

4 Other points; updates on 

a) Debriefing from last Administration Board;

J.Barroso informed on the following points. 

Grouping of classes: 

– List of derogations: AGSEV voted against, highlighting to the Administration Board that the list was not complete (not submitted for EL, ES, PT) and requested further information; – Unclear answer provided by the School direction and the European Schools Sec.Gen., still requiring clarification; 

Social Fund: 

– J.Barroso requested clarification about the management and reporting of this fund, mainly built on parents’ money, at the level of IP; 

Class photos: 

– Most of the other European Schools have the class photos organised by the School. – Only KRL school situation seems similar to ESVA. 

– It was confirmed that AGSEV could not access the School pupils database, thus impeding AGSEV to properly manage the checking of the consents and organisation of the class photos (see point 4e) below). 

b) Lists of the class delegates for year 2024-2025;

This year, the school should be able to transmit the lists to AGSEV, as the class delegates’ consents have been collected during the class meetings. 

c) COTSEV interface:

Joint meeting between the Boards and next steps => no update 

The Board agreed to ask COTSEV for the reimbursement of all the n.200 shares but one, thus regularising the situation in line with the position sustained by COTSEV. 

Action (J.Barroso): to inform COTSEV about the decision.

d) Proposal of project to the school, preferentially in the area of sustainability J.Barroso asked for possible ideas from the Board members 

e) Class photos:

Action (G.Ferrari): to prepare and send via WhatsApp Community a communication explaining the impossibility to organise the photos this year, as already discussed in previous Board meetings (see also point 4a) above). 

f) School calendar: +50 more ordered by P.Schaaff 

g) WG Italian L2: state of play and status of the survey

Survey already drafted by J.Barroso, including various optional cases, depending on the Italian language situation of the pupil (SWALS or not). He will send the link to the Board for testing, before next WG meeting 

Following points were not discussed: 

h) Info on School trips procurement (P.Verbanova)

i) Prepaid SIM card (C.Martinez) – linked to previous agenda point 2)

j) Business non-profit Gmail account (C.Martinez) – linked to agenda point 1) k) Antiracism chart (A.Micklem)


The next Board meeting is planned on Tuesday Oct. 22nd at ESVA Varese.