Meeting Minutes 25th November 2024
Invited: All AGSEV Board members
Present: João Barroso EN S / President (partly), Pascal Blondel FR P / Secretary General,
Lorenzo van Wijk NL P / Treasurer, Alison Micklem Libero, Guido Ferrari Libero,
Lilly Wunsch DE P (partly),
By conf. call: Denise Sofia EN P, Eva Merglova SWALS (partly), Cristina Martínez, Daria Konitz SWALS
Absent: Petra Schaaff DE S /Vice-President, Anne Jolivet FR S, Roberta Rossi IT S, Erika Soriani NL S, Petya Varbanova SWALS, Anna Cipriani Libero, Pavla Chyska SWALS
Monday, 25th November 2024
dalle ore 18:30 alle 21:00 (at the Club House Ispra, sala Primule)
0 | Approval of the MoMs of last Board of 22/10
A.Micklem added some follow-up information about the communication plan in the MoMs. |
18.30 – 18.40 Sec.Gen. & All |
1 | Accounting, Fiscal & Statutory matters
M.Grandinetti has consolidated the financial balance status for the years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, and presented them during the Board meeting. The possibility to reduce the number of bank accounts (from currently n.4 to n.2 = current and BAC), inherited from the past activities is discussed by the Board. This would reduce the fixed bank costs while financial control is now facilitated as payments are done digitally through the website and can be traced easily. The financial balance status will be distributed to the Board for information and eventual comments before the next Board meeting and General Assembly of 16/12. The Board warmly thanks M.Grandinetti for having done the financial status.
18.40 – 19.00 Treasurer & All |
2 | Elections of next AGSEV Board
Point on the positions to be filled and the organization of the ballot (election committee) Only n.10 candidatures received before the limit date, for n.15 free positions. Therefore elections are not needed: all 10 candidates will be automatically elected. The president (J.Barroso) recalls that if a candidate is co-opted during the General Assembly, s/he can be appointed for two years. If after the GA, s/he can only be appointed until the next elections in 2025. |
19.00 – 19.20
Pres. & All |
3 | Meetings with the School
The EC / Secondary is planned tomorrow 26/11 (from 17.30 by Teams); Joao, Eva and Daria will participate, Ally will confirm. For the EC /primary, P.Blondel will ask confirmation of the date with sufficient prior notice to A.Selvaggio
J.Barroso recalls the participation to the Admin. Council is limited to n.2 AGSEV members, generally the Pres. and Vice-Pres. The participation is to be decided by the next AGSEV Board on 16/12 for the next Admin.Council; J.Barroso informs he can be available if needed, in particular to discuss the Italian L2 (see point 5g) below). |
19.20 – 19.40
Pres, Vice-Pres. & All |
4 | Interfaces with COMSEV and COTSEV
This was confirmed that there is no question from COMSEV Board to restrict the access to the Mensa for pupils not registered to the COMSEV and taking their home-made lunches. The question has however been raised by the sanitary authorities (ASL) to the School, following an audit done in the Mensa
19.40 – 20.00
Pres, Vice-Pres. & All |
5 | Other points: discussion and updates on
G.Ferrari informs that payments have already been done for about 60% of the teachers.
A.Micklem has already asked for a table to the School (no answer yet), informs this could be a good occasion to attract new members. The Board agrees to sponsor offering the coffee to the class reps (biodegradable capsules / Action A.Micklem). Calendars could also be sold at this occasion.
Ally debriefs about the BTFWW initiative, underlining the importance of diffusing awareness about the climate challenge by means of education: not only pedagogy in the classroom, but diffusing best practices from school to home, teaming up in projects for sustainability (see ANNEX 1 to the MoMs).
J.Barroso informs that n.455 answers have been received from the poll; a last reminder will be done tomorrow via the WA community
VCs question remains still open for non-mandatory trips (e.g. Auschwitz) on next year, as the School stated it will use the FWC and is refusing to consider alternate and cheaper offers which could be found by parents. This is indeed the case of the trip to Auschwitz in March 2025 for which parents representatives found 3 offers, all of them for the amount around 500 euro, everything included (health and accident insurance as well as the cancellation insurance in case of force majeure, all meals, departure and arrival on Malpensa in reasonable hours) while the school decided – without any explanation – to use Morandi agency for 800 euro, without any kind of insurance, dinner to be paid in addition and departure and arrival on Bergamo in non comfortable timing obliging students to be at school at 4.00 a.m. on the day of departure. More generally, A.Micklem and G.Ferrari suggest to raise again the question of ensuring the best price/quality offer for school trips at the next School Admin.Council.
20.00 – 21.00
All |
ANNEX 1 – Bringing the Future We Want (BTFWW) Project Plans 2024 – 2025
ANNEX 2 – Draft Agenda Interparents Pre BoG Nov24
Pavla is an AGSEV Board representative for SWALS