Meeting Minutes 6th May 2024
Invitati: Board AGSEV
João Barroso EN S / President, Denise Sofia EN P ,Petra Schaaff DE S / Vice-President,
Lilly Wunsch DE P, Anne Jolivet FR S, Pascal Blondel FR P / Secretary General,
Roberta Rossi IT S, Fabrizia Scabini IT P, Erika Soriani NL S, Lorenzo van Wijk NL P,
Daria Konitz SWALS, Pavla Chyska SWALS, Petya Verbanova SWALS, Eva Merglova SWALS,
Alison Micklem Libero, Guido Ferrari Libero, Monica Grandinetti Libero / Treasurer, Benedikt Hermann Libero, Anna Cipriani Libero, Cristina Martínez SWALS
Monday, 6th May 2024
dalle ore 18:30 alle 21:00 (at JRC-Ispra main entrance, 1st floor meeting room)
0 | Approval of the MoMs of last Board of 15/04
No comment from the Board. Action: the Sec.Gen. will finalize (pdf file) the minutes for their publication on the website by P.Chyska. |
Sec.Gen. and All |
1 | Accounting, Fiscal & Statutory matters
Comparative assessment still to be updated, and presented to the Board before a decision can be taken.
Please refer to the summary done and already sent by G.Ferrari The reasons why to apply to RUNTS can be summarised as follow: (i) if asked by customer(s), (ii) for participating to public tenders, (iii) for obtaining specific tax advantages or donations (5%00) Obligations: change the status, financial report to be published acc. to a given template This decision to register or not to RUNTS is independent of any fiscal consideration on p.IVA and Financial Statements, which have a wider impact.
– what is commercial turnover ? – what are the commercial turnover limits for having to open a P.IVA? – when in any case is it expected that all non-profit will have to open a P.IVA ? – does this impact how AGSEV operate and what it can do? Anyhow, any association will have to apply for an IVA number by Jan. 1st 2025 (even w/o any commercial activity)
Treasurer and All |
2 | COTSEV interface
Updates on:
The date still need to be agreed with COTSEV Board
‘Atto costitutivo’ received (email COTSEV of 18/04), referring AGSEV as a ‘socio sovventore’.
Action: AGSEV Pres. will ask COTSEV Board for organizing the joint Board meeting in ESVA as soon as possible. |
Pres. and All |
3 | Extra-curriculum activities
Updates on organization for next year, insurances, medical certificates The AGSEV Vice-Pres. informed the Board that she has collected information from L.Wunsch (about past years’ planning and organization of activities) and already met the teachers; she will meet the ESVA director with the two coordinators (from teachers’ side) already identified (for Music and Other activities respectively) for planning next year activities for the best. The question is still raised about starting the extra-curriculum registrations by the end of the current scholar year, allowing the parents to anticipate the bus planning, thus avoiding interfering with the COTSEV management of the bus lines once the next scholar year is started. The Sec.Gen. recalled the discussion already held on the matter, referring to point 1.3 of AGSEV Board MoMs 04/03/2024. |
Vice-Pres. and All |
4 | Other points; updates on
Following the numerous complaints received by the parents, the AGSEV Board needs to decide the best strategy to tackle the matter at the appropriate level with the School Direction (S&S committee and/or CdA), by:
Action: Board members to inquire and discuss the question with their class delegates, before a vote to the next Board meeting
No update (Ally absent)
No solution yet found with the School direction to get and confirm the exact class lists’ composition. The possibility to ‘delegate’ to some extent this check at the level of the class representatives is currently being considered.
The request of the drawings/illustrations for next year calendar has been sent to the classes.
Kick-Off meeting of the Working Group with the School direction held done on last year.
Discussion postponed to next meeting, due to lack of time (meeting closed at 21.00) |
All |
Pavla is an AGSEV Board representative for SWALS