Building the Future We Want

A joint action of the Parents and the School to build an umbrella sustainability strategy for the European School of Varese. It unites all school initiatives helping our community thrive, eg. the Greener Green (Erasmus+project on digital learning for sustainability), the Green School (Lombardy’s Regional Schools’ sustainability framework), Kiva & Prodas (anti-bullying programmes).

What PARENTS ACTION we plan for the school year 2023-24?

Check the Sustainability website of our School

Who sits on the BTFWW Committee?

BTFWW Committee Road map for 2023-24

See the talk on parental involvement in school sustainability given by Ally Micklem to the Department EU Conference on Sustainable Education in Cork, on May 3rd 2023. Ally is the the Sustainability Lead for AGSEV and the Lead of Sustainability WG of Interparents.

I PARENTS ACTION che abbiamo in programma per l’anno scolastico 2023-24

Sito web sulla Sostenibilità nella nostra scuola

Chi fa parte del Comitato BTFWW?

Il Road map del Comitato BTFWW per il 2023-24

Vedi l’intervento sul coinvolgimento dei genitori nella sostenibilità scolastica tenuto da Ally Micklem alla Conferenza del Dipartimento UE sull’educazione sostenibile a Cork, il 3 maggio 2023. Ally è la responsabile della sostenibilità per l’AGSEV e la responsabile del gruppo di lavoro sulla sostenibilità di Interparents.


The Parents of the European School of Varese are working together with the School to bring a sustainability strategy to life which involves all our communities, based on the sustainable development goals. Please feel free to join us! Contact:

What is Sustainability?

We are in the middle of a man-made climate crisis, with human behaviour pushing us up against planetary boundaries. Climate scientists tell us that continuing with business as usual will push us to cross these boundaries, tipping us into irreversible climate change – and tell us that we have 10 years to make meaningful changes.

The United Nations has offered us the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals offer individuals, organisations, governments and financial institutions a road map out of the climate crisis. The EU is playing its part and has pledged to cut emissions by 55% compared to pre-industrial levels by 2030.

Sustainable transition is a change that everyone needs to know about, and we all have a part to play in building the future we want for our children.


I Genitori della Scuola Europea di Varese stanno lavorando insieme alla Scuola per dare vita ad una strategia di sostenibilità che coinvolga tutte le nostre comunità, basata sugli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile. Non esitate a unirvi a noi! Scriveteci a:

Cos’è la sostenibilità?

Siamo nel mezzo di una crisi climatica causata dall’uomo, con il comportamento umano che ci spinge contro i limiti del pianeta. Gli scienziati del clima ci dicono che continuare a comportarci come al solito ci spingerà a superare questi limiti, facendoci precipitare in un cambiamento climatico irreversibile – e ci dicono che abbiamo 10 anni per fare cambiamenti significativi.

Le Nazioni Unite ci hanno offerto gli Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Questi obiettivi offrono agli individui, alle organizzazioni, ai governi e alle istituzioni finanziarie una road map per uscire dalla crisi climatica. L’UE sta facendo la sua parte e si è impegnata a ridurre le emissioni del 55% rispetto ai livelli preindustriali entro il 2030.

La transizione sostenibile è un cambiamento che tutti devono conoscere, e tutti noi abbiamo un ruolo da svolgere nella costruzione del futuro che vogliamo per i nostri figli e le nostre figlie.

Sustainability News

Repair Cafe and Clothes Swap Action for the First Semester of 2025

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The dates have been set for the first semester of 2025! The RC team is also looking for volunteers, especially in the field of electronics. If you are competent and want to participate, come and meet everyone. Being a volunteer doesn't necessarily…

Sustainable parents action at European Schools – a new brag board!

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We believe our European Schools can be real leaders in Sustainability and Climate Education in every city we connect with - and this is our contribution to that effort! See all the hard work our European Schools communities are doing on sustainability: Only…

Repair Cafe and Clothes Swap action for the first semester of 2024

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The dates have been set for the first semester of 2024! The team is looking forward to welcoming you at the old train station building in Ispra on the following Sundays: 28 January 25 February 24 March 28 April 26 May 23…

Christmas Swap and Sale on Nov 25th

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(per l'italiano vedi sotto)   Dear Parents, SAVE THE DATE! We are holding our usual ski sale on November 25th from 09:00 - 13:00 - entrance through the Secondary School gates. Please write to…

What can we give to the School?

This October 2022 our school and the Parents Association have come together to fund a future project at school. We would like to hear YOUR ideas for a small, concrete proposal which would improve our childrens’ lives whether it is in…